Sunday, February 21, 2010

Prolapse Low Libido Is It Normal To Have A Very Low Cervix At 17?

Is it normal to have a very low cervix at 17? - prolapse low libido

I am 17 years of the 18th Birthday in a few weeks. I know that the probability that I is worth a prolapsed uterus is ridiculously small, so I asked myself: Is it possible that I'm just very, very low cervix? I suffer from a weak tendons, and sometimes the tip of the neck was not red, but the next day could be one and a half inches inside is. Therefore, I am a little confused. Gyencologist not yet, and I am ashamed of my questions about my mother, col ask.


Anonymous said...

You can find out information on the following website

Anonymous said...

You can find out information on the following website

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